August 8, 2022

7 Best WiFi Hacking Apps for Android

By Rahul Yogi

Do you want to learn wifi hacking but dont have a computer to do that? Don't worry in the next slides you will get the best wifi hacking apps for android.

This is one of the best wifi hacking toolkits for android. Earlier kali Linux was only available to Linux, since android is based on Linux you can install it on your phone.

kali linux

The tool is used to crack wifi passwords from the data packets that are already captured using monitor mode by applications like Kali Linux. Or say it's a part of the Kali Linux process.


Zanti allows you to view the security risk in the network. You can easily find vulnerabilities with zanti and use them to perform a wifi hack.


Reaver is used to launch the brute-force attacks against different wifi networks that use WPS Pin and WPA2 security protocol. It uses dictionary attacks to get a wifi password.


Nmap works on both rooted and non-rooted devices and allows you to look into available hosts, services, firewalls, etc. It uses advanced features like SYN scan and OS fingerprinting.


Use this app on android above 4.0 and hack wifi passwords from routers like Zhao, Blink, Asus, and Aris. This app works best with WPS Pin-protected routers.

WPA WPS Tester

WiFi Kill is used to find all the devices connected to the network, kick them out, spy on them, and stole the authentication cookies.

wifi kill

Types of WiFi Password Security?


Thanks For Reading!.