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Founded in 2018, techorhow is your one-stop destination for all the latest technology news and updates. Techorhow offers news and information about specific industries, technologies, and applications. This content includes news, feature articles, discussion forums, how-to guides, special reports, case studies, blogs, videos, webinars, and information supplied by readers.

Today Techorhow has been one of the most trusted tech publications with around 65-70k pageviews per month. Our website is mainly visited by Technology enthusiasts from all over the world. So it’s the perfect platform to show your products to the targeted audience.

Our business model relies on revenue from advertisers and sponsors, so we offer a variety of marketing vehicles to suit your needs, including banners, storefronts, product listings, and more. For more information, look below.

Traffic Stats

Our latest stats from January 2020 report:

  • Alexa rank : 506,676 Globally & 50,797 in India
  • Monthly visits: 23,000+
  • Monthly pageviews: 65,000+ (January 2020) 74.1% organic
  • We update these stats every month. If you need more details email us we will provide you with a deep report.
Techorhow Stats

Advertising Options

If your product is related to our niche and sync with the content then it is the perfect place to show them. Following are the advertising option we accept on the website. 

  • Product Reviews: Product reviews give a boost to your sales and marketing. We not only write a review of your product, but we also share tutorials and guides to using your product. If your product is in sync with our readers and the topics of our blog, drop me an email with details and we can discuss rates.
  • Banner Ads: You can promote your brand on Techorhow using the display ads slot. You can choose the best ad slot for your product promotion from the given display ads slot.

Below are the available Ad sizes:

Unit NameFormat Size (Breakpoints)AudioTime Restrictions
on Ad Length
Horizontal Banner728×90
Yes – On user click onlyNo Limit
Vertical Banner300×600Yes – On user click onlyNo Limit
Yes – On user click onlyNo Limit
Ad Links468×15Not ApplicableNo Limit

If you are interested, email us about your product at [email protected] and we’ll get back to you with availability. Charges are negotiable as per the products.

Note: Do not send emails about the Guest Post and Link Exchange. We don’t provide such a type of service.